Welcome to Chemistry Peer Advisors at Cornell!
CPA is a student organization committed to helping the chemistry community at Cornell. We are a resource designed to help you with any questions you may have on courses, research, etc. We offer peer tutoring and advising from other chemistry majors in our department with the experience to help guide you through chemistry at Cornell!
Meet the Board:
Megan Xu, Chemistry and Biology major, Class of ’25
NetID: mx73
Favorite Chemistry Class: Chemical Biology
Research Lab: Cerione Group
Vice President:
Abbey Robinson, Chemistry Major and ASL & Deaf Studies Minor, Class of ‘26
NetID: aer269
Favorite Chemistry Class: Polymers
Research Lab: Coates Group
Hobbies: Watching the Phillies & listening to music!
Angela Bao, Chemistry & Math Major, Class of ‘27
NetID: ab2674
Favorite Chemistry Class: Physical Chemistry
Research Lab: Ananth Group
Hobbies: Traveling, trying new foods, & listening to music.